Spawn ’09
They get later every year. Last Saturday (21st March) frog spawn in the pond. For one day the frogs went absolutely mad. Burping and croaking and motoring around, showing off […]
They get later every year. Last Saturday (21st March) frog spawn in the pond. For one day the frogs went absolutely mad. Burping and croaking and motoring around, showing off […]
Two further comparisons, and I’m ready to reach a verdict. One thing that is evident is that the pace of the UK episodes is verging on the slothful. In Unsafe, while Stone […]
Once in a while something comes along that is so cool that you can’t believe it. When Martin Varsavsky blogged about an SD card that included wi-fi I was impressed, […]
From the opening of Unloved, the UK version of Born Bad from the original’s fourth season it’s clear all the rough edges have been knocked off. There’s a soup kitchen, […]