The Worst Lens
When I got my Panasonic Lumix GF3 I resolved I wouldn’t buy any lenses for it until I’d decided whether the future did actually lie in the micro-four thirds system, […]
When I got my Panasonic Lumix GF3 I resolved I wouldn’t buy any lenses for it until I’d decided whether the future did actually lie in the micro-four thirds system, […]
Oops. I should have posted this one a while ago… There are two ways Doctor Who appears to be in danger of disappearing up its own fundament in this story. One […]
A camera update is a little overdue… The story so far: I packed my trusty D40 off for a stay with the rellies to encourage me to explore my newly acquired mirrorless […]
The debate had broken out again before the news of Matt Smith’s departure had hit the first editions. Will the next Doctor be a woman? Why does this ‘debate’ continue? […]
I’ve tried to avoid any of the names that are already doing the rounds (not that I’ve any objection to Ben Wishaw, Idris Elba, Ben Daniels et. al.) because there […]