“World Enough and Time” Review
Fan service and good storytelling rarely sit well; but when the fan who wants the return of Mondasian Cybermen is also the show’s star it must be hard to refuse. Add in […]
Fan service and good storytelling rarely sit well; but when the fan who wants the return of Mondasian Cybermen is also the show’s star it must be hard to refuse. Add in […]
To my great disappointment, this promising historical is suffocated by leaden direction and atypically terrible production values. What happened here? Did they only have two days to shoot it or something?
My thoughts on last week’s Doctor Who can be found in the latest edition of the Fusion Patrol podcast.
Though, being late, I watched this after the election, I can’t help but be delighted once again that Doctor Who delved into current political hot-button topics just days before we […]
After Thursday’s extraordinary election result, I have had trouble keeping up with the news, let alone my thoughts on it.
The most frightening aspect of this episode is undoubtedly that it is set at least some months into the future (following a military build up that has yet to occur) […]