I suppose I should have realised that there was a danger that having two iconic heroes in one story would result in a pissing contest. I had hoped that among the things this more mature Doctor would have left behind would have included his ego; alas we get a rather petulant Twelve who at first I took to be channelling Malcolm Tucker in his aggressive put-downs to Locksley. On reflection, though, I can imagine any of the recent Doctors – Ten, Eleven… Even Nine (remember his switching a banana for Captain Jack’s sonic blaster?) in that scene, and unlike the last two episodes that feel like they’ve been ever-so-carefully crafted for Capaldi’s Doctor this feels like it could have slotted in with any 20th Century Who. Despite that small quibble, magnified because just 3 episodes into his run, Capaldi’s performance is still what we’re all scrutinising, I do think Mark Gatiss crafted a superbly balanced piece that acknowledged and respected Robin Hood whilst keeping the Doctor at the centre of the action. Bravo.

It’s also a beautifully shot episode. Top entertainment, too.
Here’s Eugene and me discussing it all at far greater length on Fusion Patrol:
Oh, and did any other Sussex folk spot that the castle exterior is Bodiam, which starred in The King’s Demons?
Yes, we all went ‘Ooooh Bodiam!’ at the same time 🙂