Hurrah! Doing a little light weeding as the evening became cooler I disturbed a frog. This is the first time I’ve met one outside of the pond, the first one I’ve seen with no tail, in short the first adult. Look out you slugs and snails! Quite why they’ve chosen the hottest weekend of the year to emerge from the cool of the water I’m not sure. Such is the perversity of nature.
How big was it?
Very very small. It’s always puzzled me that the frogs seem smaller than the tadpoles they used to be. Mind you, I’ve not weighed them or anything.
Very very small. It’s always puzzled me that the frogs seem smaller than the tadpoles they used to be. Mind you, I’ve not weighed them or anything.
My bigger concern is that Bob Geldof is entirely responsible for Paul MacCartney’s ‘The Frog Chorus” and as such, should we campaign for the removal of his knighthood?