This frightening Guardian article on the horrors of software patents gets bonus points for its references to the wonderful Les Miserables, and for the use of the word bollixing (which means what, exactly?)
This frightening Guardian article on the horrors of software patents gets bonus points for its references to the wonderful Les Miserables, and for the use of the word bollixing (which means what, exactly?)
To throw into confusion; botch or bungle. [Alteration of ballocks, testicles, from Middle English balloks, from Old English beallucas.]
To throw into confusion; botch or bungle. [Alteration of ballocks, testicles, from Middle English balloks, from Old English beallucas.]
Thank you. That’ll be the last such question, now that I’ve discovered hover-cmnd-ctl-D!
Hover – cmnd -ctl – D! Nice one! ‘S gonna save me some time!
Hover – cmnd -ctl – D! Nice one! ‘S gonna save me some time!