Come on, Jobs

Hmmm. This sucks. Jobs has been going for an hour, and so far the only new things he’s talked about are a device to turn £200 of iPod into £4.99 worth of FM radio, and a web publishing tool. Very nice and everything, but where’s my hang-on-the-wall macTV?

More importantly (because I actually want them) where’s my intel Mac Mini? Where’s my ultra-thin iBook? Where’s my Airport-Express-with-video-output? Come on, Jobs!

6.13pm Update: The iMac again!

6.39pm Update: MacBook Pro? I know the PowerBooks are due an update, but… I want an iBook! And a Mac Mini! And anyway, what’s wrong with “PowerBook”?

6.55pm Update: Hmmm, 0 out of 3. That sucks.

About Simon Wood

Lecturer in medical education, lapsed mathematician, Doctor Who fan and garden railway builder. See for more...

3 thoughts on “Come on, Jobs

  1. Aha (the penny drops…) the MacBooks can’t be called PowerBooks, because PowerBooks start out with the same first five letters as PowerPC (they’re so yeugh now). Presumably the same logic will be applied to the new name for the PowerMac, when they come out. Will they be called…er….MacMacs? Or GMacs (as my friend inexplicably insists)?

  2. Aha (the penny drops…) the MacBooks can’t be called PowerBooks, because PowerBooks start out with the same first five letters as PowerPC (they’re so yeugh now). Presumably the same logic will be applied to the new name for the PowerMac, when they come out. Will they be called…er….MacMacs? Or GMacs (as my friend inexplicably insists)?

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