The Doctor on The President

The 7th and final series of The West Wing draws to a close tonight, preceded by The Ultimate West Wing Challenge on More4: “Hosted by Rory Bremner, the show unearths a hotbed of closet West Wingers in the form of the current Doctor Who David Tennant; Mark Oaten MP; columnist and comedian Arabella Weir; and UK editor of Newsweek Stryker McGuire. Alongside handling a CJ-style press conference and dicing with death on the speediest ‘walk and talk’ scene ever, the contestants trade their West Wing knowledge to discover the greatest all-round follower of Bartlet.” It’s also, apparently, set in “The Oval Office”.

Update (00:28): It was cheap, cheap, cheap, but well worth watching just to hear David Tennant say “W.G. Snuffy Walden”.

About Simon Wood

Lecturer in medical education, lapsed mathematician, Doctor Who fan and garden railway builder. See for more...

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