The 7th and final series of The West Wing draws to a close tonight, preceded by The Ultimate West Wing Challenge on More4: “Hosted by Rory Bremner, the show unearths a hotbed of closet West Wingers in the form of the current Doctor Who David Tennant; Mark Oaten MP; columnist and comedian Arabella Weir; and UK editor of Newsweek Stryker McGuire. Alongside handling a CJ-style press conference and dicing with death on the speediest ‘walk and talk’ scene ever, the contestants trade their West Wing knowledge to discover the greatest all-round follower of Bartlet.” It’s also, apparently, set in “The Oval Office”.
Update (00:28): It was cheap, cheap, cheap, but well worth watching just to hear David Tennant say “W.G. Snuffy Walden”.