Doctor Who: The Bow Tie of Terror

Okay, it’s not as bad as the 6th Doctor’s coat, but why go back bow ties for the new Doctor’s new look?  I preferred the look in the publicity shots for both 11 and Amy Pond.

David Mamet took a firm line on this sort of thing:

It’s the truth that you should never trust anybody who wears a bow tie. Cravat’s supposed to point down to accentuate the genitals. Why’d you wanna trust somebody whose tie points out to accentuate his ears?

About Simon Wood

Lecturer in medical education, lapsed mathematician, Doctor Who fan and garden railway builder. See for more...

5 thoughts on “Doctor Who: The Bow Tie of Terror

  1. Oh dear! That looks a bit like: “Many apologies for giving you a young-looking Doctor. Please accept this bow tie as a token of eccentricity beyond his apparent age.”

  2. I just read Steven Moffat said this:

    And here’s me, with the job I wanted since I was seven. 40 years to here! If I could go back in time and tell that little boy that one day all this would happen, he’d scream, call for his mum, and I’d be talking to you now from a prison cell in 1969. So probably best not then.

    I’m glad his DW scripts have all been this good too.

  3. I just read Steven Moffat said this:

    And here’s me, with the job I wanted since I was seven. 40 years to here! If I could go back in time and tell that little boy that one day all this would happen, he’d scream, call for his mum, and I’d be talking to you now from a prison cell in 1969. So probably best not then.

    I’m glad his DW scripts have all been this good too.

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