“Medium Rare” Review
There’s an apparently psychic medium in this, failing to spice up a rather weak traitor-in-the-organisation plot. We get to see lots of the department again. Freddie-the-paymaster is another good chum […]
The 1970s TV series (not the comic thingy).
There’s an apparently psychic medium in this, failing to spice up a rather weak traitor-in-the-organisation plot. We get to see lots of the department again. Freddie-the-paymaster is another good chum […]
Opening on the steps of Montmartre, it’s exciting to be abroad. When were we last abroad in The Avengers? Does The Superlative Seven count? If not, was it Second Sight? Anyway, this time, we’ve […]
Steed has yet another close friend – a schoolfriend in this case – and once again we are regaled with stories of how what a high achieving model of perfection […]
Let’s start off with the title: it’s rubbish. The New Avengers? Why the rebrand? What makes this different from The Avengers? Sure, this is a million miles from the Mrs Peel […]
Revisiting the mind-transference territory of the disastrous Who’s Who??? there’s a much stronger espionage pretext for the sci-fi element in line with the general New Avengers style. Unfortunately, this is just as contrived as the […]
5am on a Sunday morning and the only people awake in a section of London are The New Avengers and a bus load of looters. Like The Hour That Never Was and The Morning After this […]
After the horror of Gnaws, my faith shaken, I needed to watch another episode straight away – and thankfully, this one seems to get better and better every time I […]
The episode would have got away with just being exceptionally dull, if it weren’t for the ending. It’s clearly a cost-saving episode, set mostly in the sewers (studio) but the […]
This supremely confident but embarrassingly schlocky episode is a guilty pleasure; a favourite that doesn’t disappoint. It retreads a well-worn Avengers plot – the doppelganger – that, even if we discount […]
Unusually, this is a straight procedural, with our heroes tracing a blackmailer’s stash by… interviewing witnesses, retracing the blackmailer’s route, etc. It feels rather slow, and the pursuers are scruffy […]
Flashback to 1960. In Germany, secrets are being smuggled across the Iron Curtain. And in Britain, a half-hour show is goes out on Saturday nights about a police surgeon… Okay, […]
Ah, this is more fun. A clever premise, tightly plotted and directed, centring on the deliberately artificial but highly atmospheric shooting range (it’s a mix of home counties architecture and […]