
In response to a comment that the “Garden & Pond” section was too frog orientated, here’s the first in a series of non-frog garden pictures. I took this over the weekend, when three or four of these bright blue dragonflies were hanging out with me.

Dragonfly Pic

Meanwhile, frog fans, don’t worry. Frog pictures will continue, and furthermore there is now a frog subcategory for you to follow, so each reader can easily find stories exactly as they wish. Don’t say we villagers of Little Storping aren’t responsive to readers’ views!

About Simon Wood

Lecturer in medical education, lapsed mathematician, Doctor Who fan and garden railway builder. See simonwood.info for more...

5 thoughts on “Dragonfly

  1. was that comment from me? How funny, I didn’t think I’d said it, only thought it. Well, it was too frog orientated so I’m glad to see plants and insects. Much better.

    From ronnie

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