Whilst I can’t really see myself buying an iPhone until Apple sticks the camera in the front and offers fully functional iChat AV plus “call out” connection over WiFi/Voip to the POTS, the fact that Truphone are apparently getting ready to offer a voip application does make it start to look a lot more useful. Truphone is partnered with Google, allowing you also to call Google Talk users.
Of course, if Apple release this, I’ll pay them whatever they want for it.
A new Newton would tempt me more than an iPhone, too.
The iPhone is close to what I want to be carrying around, but not quite there yet.
A new Newton would tempt me more than an iPhone, too.
The iPhone is close to what I want to be carrying around, but not quite there yet.
A new Newton would tempt me more than an iPhone, too.
The iPhone is close to what I want to be carrying around, but not quite there yet.
I’d pay nearly as much as Simon for it, but to match my ideal spec, they’d have to offer the Agenda’s micro-writing option that Stephen Fry and I once loved.
(http://www.stephenfry.com/blog/?p=3 and scroll down three MacBook screens)
Perhaps it will be a MacBook/iPhone hybrid…
Perhaps it will be a MacBook/iPhone hybrid…
Perhaps it will be a MacBook/iPhone hybrid…