“I’ve told you before, I don’t approve of amateurs.” For a show whose premise is based on an professional crime-fighter teaming up with an amateur, you might expect this to be examined once in a while. But coming from One Ten, the remark is oddly incongruous. He is annoyed that Steed has been talking to Cathy who has stumbled across a murder when doing her own thing (writing a book about ceramics), a murder which is connected to a possible technological breakthrough that Steed’s department considers to be highly significant.
When, exactly, has One Ten told Steed he doesn’t approve of amateurs? Was it in Death Dispatch when he was the one who pulled Cathy in to cover Steed – or any of the other numerous episodes where he’s been fully aware and apparently quite satisfied with Cathy’s involvement? This outburst comes out of the blue. I wonder if it will ever come up again?
Incidentally, this is another one where Steed appears without his shirt. One Ten briefs him in a steam bath, so they both get their togs off. This concept I have of The Avengers always appearing very properly dressed is clearly based on the later series…
Meanwhile we get the first of Paul Eddington’s guest appearances is the show (he’ll be back in Something Nasty in the Nursery). He’s so young! His performances are always a highlight – though his character is somewhat dour in this. Meanwhile every other character in the cast seems to have some particular secret motivation… including a rather depressing subplot about a ceramic painter aspiring to be a beauty queen.
There are no policemen in this one, but there is a black man. What’s curious is that Steed gives a description of him – twice – he’s 17 stone, bald, has a scar on his face. Steed doesn’t mention that he’s black…